
Dating generally is an act of meeting or purposely going out with someone(usually who does the asking and makes arrangement for meeting) as a couple in some mutually agreed upon social activity in public.

How to date someone desirous(Dating Algorithm)


First select the desirous person as your prospective date and check if the same is interested to be with you by call up to say something to him/her to receive acceptance to meet or by send him/her mails for the purpose.


Choose the right place to meet him/her. Choose a public place such as a good restaurant, mall, public library or date’s home or an open place surrounded with people such as public parks or coffee shop which are less crowded and where formal introduction, discussion and get to know each other is easy and where your privacy is not hindered.


As you are going on your first date along with a person stranger to you(you may not know many things about him/her) it is necessary for you(especially for a woman for her safety) that you will have someone to share your first date moments. It is also necessary for anyone to someone(a trusted friend and good analyst of human behaviour) share your first date because different persons have different views about someone else as every person looks with different lens and angle to a person to be judged so it is very much helpful to you to decide whether the person you chose for dating is really the person you want(after analysis of your own view and different views of your different friends about the person with which you wants to date). If necessary do some background check of him/her.


Be on time and expect same from the other side to not lose the date or the pleasure of your new experience.


Dress yourself with new, clean and impressive clothes which will fit you well, appropriate for the meeting place and makes you attractive.


Speak your date softly, gently and confidently for building long lasting impression in the mind of you date.Such conversation helps you in building good relationship in future. Pay attention to, listen your date, avoid complaining and avoid discussing your negative experience in past about your previous broken relations and dating. Give proper respect to your date and be polite.


If everything is going well and you liked the company with you date then proceed and ask for next dates. At last before you depart, thank him/her for joining along with some nice words.

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