How to believe in existence of another mysterious living conscious world beyond this world

In real, our original spirit or conscious energy is absolutely pure and wise, but when it get expressed in the form of a living body then it does not gives its full potential and capabilities because of the impurities and past life’s ‘Karmas‘ accumulated as a dust on the original soul by the living body. That’s why a human being’s behavior, thoughts and working abilities mantle or physical seems to be of ordinary level. But, sometimes in some special circumstances when it gets to the original form, then it originates some wonders and miracles. There are some of the evidences and real incidents which are a witness of its truth and reality.

It is an incident happened in 1964. Renowned American writer Muz Murray was on a trip during world tour. These days, a surprising incident happened which he described in his book ‘Sharing the Quest‘. He wrote that during his world tour, he was mentally upset. One day, he reached at Limassol port in Cyprus by the evening. He took dinner in a Greek restaurant and went on the walk near sea-shore. He was feeling more happy and peaceful to that day as compared to other days. After reaching at the seashore, he stared, look at the sun-setting scenery and was enjoying the play of sun-rays on the water surface of sea, he feeled some surprising pressure in his brain at that moment. He feeled as if someone had anesthetized his head. Now then, his consciousness regarding this existence got changed. He started to realizing himself as a liquified living being. Instantly with unexplainable thrill, it seemed that as if the whole world is being absorbed within him only or perhaps, the whole world is flowing outside from any centre point situated inside within himself. His consciousness got scattered all around this whole space in all earth, water and all directions. Within a fraction of a second, he was present among the planets and stars, at that moment only, he realized about his divine existence. He was revolving around in space millions and billions miles away, where the planets and stars can be seem from. All the mysteries got solved layer by layer itselves. This happened with such a pace that his mind was incapable to retain and sustain these memories and moments. He just experienced the adventure which got generated during all this happening.

A similar experience is illustrated by Colin Wilson in his creation ‘Beyond the Occult‘. He wrote that he never experienced such a fast and overwhelming wonder sensation before in past. Yes, since his childhood he had such a specialty that he often used to reach in such a state of mind that where, there was such a joy and pleasure he gets which cannot be considered as an ordinary experience. Abraham Maslow called such extra-ordinary sensation as ‘utmost experience’. He wrote about such a moment of similar sensation that he was 19 year old when he was on a visit to Strasburg. He took food in a restaurant and drank some wine. Then he was worrying about the finance needed to foreign visit! But as soon he came out from the restaurant after having his lunch and had a look over the mountain beyond the village before him then he got a wonder sensation of joy. That sensation of joy was so strong that he forgot all his worries and troubles. He feeled as if he was observing his own life after been detached and aparted from his physical body. He wrote that it may also be a possibility that there had been an somewhat influence of wine hangover there. But, whatever sensation he felt, he preferred to term it ‘spiritual-realization’ rather than just an experience. Because he believes that it was far beyond just an ordinary experience.

After all, what is the mystery in it and why this happened so? In this regard Colin Wilson says that perhaps, these divine moments would be an indication that it is such a method of gaining knowledge which is totally different from ordinary ways or methods of studying and learning and which has direct influence of soul conscience. When Individual soul-conscience develops off all of sudden, then it is able to go deep into the practical wisdom related to matter and living world, and which is generally present in scattered form in an ordinary living being.

Another similar incident is of 1969. Describing it Nona Coxhead writes in her book titled ‘The Relevance of Bliss‘ that a person named Derek Gibson was riding over his motorcycle towards his office, then he feeled like as if the noise of engine is almost none all of the sudden. As soon, he paid attention to it, he came to notice that all had been changed. He had a clear vision like before and could see things clearly. But, how, he could peep deep Into the articles and things all around him. He looked at the trees, then and beneath the epidermis of stem or upper layer of stem or trunk, he could able to see its constitution and atomic structure of it. The grass was appearing in a very magnified form and its constitution, atomic structure was as clear as his own hand. Micro-organism which can be seen with the help of microscope only by a normal, ordinary person, were clearly and magnificently appearing to him. Only, he can peep deep inside into the matter, but also feeling himself present there into them. His world had been changed into a Angel-world or fairy-world, in which there was majority of green and brown colors. He was feeling and sensing the colors more clearly rather than just watching them. He was also confident about sensing his observation and experience, feeling that it was not just a observation but he was living that vision or look himself in reality. ‘I’ has gone lost and waves of wisdom and energy were propagating in his mind. It seemed that he had knowledge and wisdom about all and the knows everything. There is nothing which could not be answered by him. The reason behind it was- he himself was an part of it. Hence, it is clear that ‘God Conscence‘ is omnipresent in each and every particle and it is the only cause of world creation, existence and destruction.

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