How to defeat aging and be young always

No one is too old to learn, experience and enjoy new fresh and better things. The beauty of face glorifies with growing age in the form of wrinkles. These are evidence of our experiences. It is not necessary to get older with the passage of time. But, we should be prepared right from adolescence to fight aging. It is a secret to maintain the child within you and never loose enthusiasm and zeal of life.

Why to regret at your aging. It is a fortunate gift given to just few people. You have spend sixty years to earn bread and butter, making money and life of your family. It is the old age to do what you actually wanted to do. Do not afraid of this age because it is a phase of life just like your childhood and young age. You was fearless when you was not experienced, knowledgeable and matured, then why to fear now. Be disciplined at eating, drinking, sleeping, having good thoughts for others because there is no one to bear your mistakes, misbehavior, order and anger.

Now-a-days, your age is calculated on the basis of your birth certificate. But it has nothing to do with zeal, determination, desires and enthusiasm. If you think you are old then you are old. It is a saying – As you think so you are. By thinking yourself older, you start to avoid hard work, to deliver your duties and responsibilities you will get surrounded by diseases. You will get stuck to negative thoughts and waiting to death.

Other people will say – ‘you are now retired’ but don’t accept it as a signal of aging. Be always young at your heart and thoughts in mind. The people with no aim in life are more vulnerable to the fear and illusion of old age. They neither thinks for themselves nor for others.

Every human is unique and passionate to do unique work. Many people have done extraordinary work after the age of 60 and up to 100 years.

  • Ronald Regal became president of America leaving acting profession at the age of 70 yrs.
  • Famous Indian actress Zohra Sahgal continued to act at the age of 100 years.
  • Annamethi Robertson continued to paint till the age of 101 years.
  • Mann Kaur from Chandigarh won gold medal in 100 m and 200 m race at the age of 110 years.
  • Dr. Walter Watson still goes to his clinic at the age of 100 years regularly.
  • Olive Rely from America learn blogging at the age of 107 years.
  • Renowned writer Khushwant Singh did Journalism till 99 yrs. of his age.
  • Tade Ingram from England is distributing newspapers still at the age of 93 years ( at the time we search for this info).

When a person in his senior age believes himself as retired, old and stop to work then his body, health, thought process, happiness, behavior all start to fall and deteriorate. While those who continued to work at old age always be healthy and happy.

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