How to develop physical, mental and spiritual power by Celibacy

We do not know how divine, beneficial and miraculous property is Celibacy. Those have control over all five senses and lust do good work, sweet behavior, lives in soul consciousness happily. Those live life full of sense gratification, luxurious life full of materialistic subjects without distinguish with good and bad after effects are bad people who suffer grief later. But, the one who practice Celibacy experience self realization and becomes great and important to society and nation.

Swami Vivekananda was teaching their followers about harmful effects of lust and importance of win control over sexual desires. One of the listener asked, “Swami ji it is easier to say, but very difficult to maintain Celibacy in our daily life. Please tell some trick so that sexual need, temptations do not arise in our mind and we get rid of it and able to focus on other useful and good subjects”. Swami ji replied, “It is true, it is very difficult to make our self free from lust, sexual desire but once you took control over it and it will be in your control life long forever. Celibacy makes faster development of concentration power and capacities of brain”.

“Merely being a celibate (one who is free from all eight types of ‘maythuns‘) all the arts, wisdom can be acquired within a short period and the person get enlightened experience the real truth. Just the absence of celibacy taking our nation backward. We are becoming incapable in all aspects ( education, moral, finance, health and development). We are losing humanity and values”, Swami ji used to say it.

Swami Vivekananda went to Germany during his Europe visit. There Prof. Paul Dawson get surprised and shocked to see extraordinary brain power and memory of Vivekananda. Swami Vivekananda told him the secret of his sharp extraordinary super memory, “Celibacy give control over our mind and then after I all other power, capacities develop automatically”.

Celibacy or ‘Brahmacharya‘ mean – ‘Brahma main Vicharan karna‘ ( to be in all respects related to Brahma, connected to supreme soul God always). “So I am as Brahma and as Brahma so I am” – one who know has such experience is true celibate or ‘Brahmachari‘.

Self-discipline (‘Sanyam‘ or full control over sexual desires) is needed to every
human for celibacy. Either a scientist, philosopher, leader, teacher, musician or artist everyone need to follow ‘Sanyam‘. It is necessary to live happy, healthy, powerful and respectfully. We find many examples of it in nature also. Among animals lion is considered as the ‘king of woods’ (‘Jungle‘). A lion does mating just 2-4 times during its whole life.

If we compare two persons, one with all the knowledge available and knowledge of all the four sacred vedas and other illiterate person but who maintains celibacy than the later one is mare great, nice, efficient, successful and happier. Celibacy is so wonderful, magical and beneficial property.

Celebacy brings light in mind, enlightens our life. If you are slave of your sexual desires and don’t have control over sexual urge then all your wisdom is of no use.

Those have celibacy live peaceful, happy and fearless life and are true people. They have super strong will power. They can do miracles in world like Olympic gold winners and scientist who did important inventions, miraculous musicians, artists and topmost businessmen who become rags to riches. Swami Vivekananda is one of such an example.

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