Human Relationships

Everyone of us in this world depends on other for his/her well being and survival as it is a well known fact that human beings are basically social animals. Human relationship is actually the most fundamental aspect of human life. It is a mental bond or attachment between people and the strength of this attachment called relationship depends upon the faith, love, deep understanding and devotion between them.

As relationship between two people exists in their thoughts so the people views it through their own consciousness. The main cause of human relationships is ‘need’ because for survival or to achieve any goal or to satisfy mental hunger such as love and friendship one alone is not sufficient and we need each other to make it possible. To fulfill both physical and psychological needs people involved with each other(such as with spouses, children, coworkers, friends and family members) through these relationships.

Types of Human Relationships

There are two major categories of human relationships. One of them is ‘Informal relationships’ and the other is ‘Formal relationships’.

Informal relationships

These relationships are developed between two persons on the basis of close connections between them. Such relationships are most common and without legal bounds and obligations. Some of the common informal relationships are Family, Partner, Friend, Relative, Acquaintance etc..

Normally family is defined as a fundamental social group including parents and their children living together. A family is never a group of less than three persons. Family should be considered the basic building block or the fundamental unit of our society in which the parents including mother and father promotes or supports emotional, intellectual, social and physical development of a child from his/her birth to adulthood. This child rearing or parenting is usually done by biological parents of the child in family and the income, social class and wealth are three main factors which have the strongest impact on methods of parenting (or child rearing).

Partner is a person who is associated with another or others in an undertaking or an area of common interest esp. in a business choose to operate socially and economically as more than one individual. Some partnerships may be established through legal means but partnership doesn’t always need the legal sanction for its existence such as Dating which is a form of courtship in which two people mutually agreed upon social activity together in public as a couple.

Formal relationships

Formal relationships are relationships having unique and special obligations and attributes and to establish them a legal structure is required to ratify it. Member, union(including marriage), employer, employee, owner etc. are some example of such relationships.

A union is an association, combination or organization of a group of people or formalized partnership between two people who band together with legal rights and obligations. Marriage is one of the best examples of union which is an Union of a man and his wife.

To develop and maintain a happy and healthy relationship is not an easy task and if a person is unable to maintain healthy relationship with others then certain types of problems are created in relationships which may cause relationship breakdown and repair. At that time when a person finds him/her miserable to maintain healthy relationship with other/s it is necessary for the affected person to follow some extremely useful solutions for relationship problems to get rid of such situations.

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